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LeapIN 2024: The series - Week 11

Let's look back on an exciting week filled with learning, team-building, and reflection. From diving into startup finances with LEAPer Nick, to enjoying some team-building and friendly competition at Palasad South with the cohort... This week we've been reflecting on the wild ride that LeapIN has taken us on!

Day 31: numbers, numbers and more numbers

At the beginning of the week, LEAPer Nicolas, the owner of Electron Motors, ran a workshop all about the basics of startup cash flow and startup finances. He shared tips on budgeting, planning, and all the financial need-to-knows to help everyone get ready to rock their business dreams.

Afterward, Dave ran a workshop for the LEAPers, helping them figure out the next steps in their entrepreneurial journey. Energized by the session, everyone dove in and wrote letters to their future selves, jotting down goals and dreams to chase after the program is complete.

Day 32: Battle of the Business Baddies

On Wednesday, we gathered at Palasad South for our annual "Battle of the Business Baddies" during LeapIN. George Ridout joined us for the day, which began with team-building exercises to bolster our teamwork. We then engaged in spirited competition with bowling, laser tag, and other thrilling activities. It was a fantastic opportunity to strengthen our bonds as a team while tackling exciting challenges together.

Day 33: Financial Plan

On Thursday, Nick organized an experiment and facilitated a comprehensive debriefing session where he recapped all the valuable insights and lessons learned over the past 11 weeks of LeapIN. It was a reflective opportunity for everyone to consolidate their knowledge and learnings from the program.

As we head into our final week of the program, we're celebrating the growth and teamwork fostered through these experiences. From mastering finances to bonding over challenges and reflecting on our journey, we're ready to tackle whatever comes next as we prepare for life after LEAP!

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